OXFORDSHIRE County Council paid out more than a million pounds on redundancy packages last year, according to new Government figures.
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) stats show 69 people were laid off by the council in 2021/22, with the local authority paying a total of £1,276,227 in exit packages.
It meant the council paid an average of £18,496 per person, while the redundancy costs were down from £1,868,461 in 2020/21.
However, the last two years are above the £1,264,698 paid out in 2019/20, before the coronavirus pandemic.
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In 2014/15, the council let go of 193 employees at a total cost of £2.9 million.
A spokesperson for the county council said ‘there is nothing unique or unusual’ about the redundancy packages, compared to other councils in England.
The spokesperson said: “The county council had a range of transformation/reorganisation programmes planned prior to the pandemic and these continued to go ahead during this period as planned, with no impact on the council’s response to the pandemic.
“Redundancies can also happen for a variety of reasons in any industry, sector or organisation.
“The council employs people in many different roles covering a huge number of services such as highways, schools, libraries, fire and rescue, trading standards, registration services, social care and many others.
“Oxfordshire County Council approaches matters relating to redundancy packages in ways that are similar to the rest of local government in England, and there is nothing unique or unusual about the council in these matters.”
Oxford county hall. Picture: Ed Nix
Across England, the total amount spent on exit payments fell for the fifth successive year, from £250 million in 2020/21 to £210 million last year.
However, more staff were laid off than the year before, with 9,744 compared to 9,454.
The DLUHC figures show Oxford City Council paid out £84,348 in exit packages for 11 people in 2021/22.
This was down from £132,927 in 2020/21.
Oxford town hall. Picture: Ed Nix
Like the county council, the last two years were both above the year prior to Covid. The city council paid out £46,348 in 2019/20.
In 2014/15, the city council let go of 45 employees, costing £200,000.
A city council spokesperson said: “It is fair to say that local authorities are facing increased pressures following the pandemic and the current financial climate is adding further challenge.
“The exit packages paid out in 2020/21 by Oxford City Council are not related to service cuts.
“The majority are linked to mutually agreed exits, such as retirements, and have supported more effective working to improve performance and value for money.”
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This story was written by Liam Rice, he joined the team in 2019 as a multimedia reporter.
Liam covers politics, travel and transport. He occasionally covers Oxford United.
Get in touch with him by emailing: Liam.rice@newsquest.co.uk
Follow him on Twitter @OxMailLiamRice