STEPHEN HUDSON, 51, of The Hyde, Abingdon, assaulted a woman in Herons Walk, Abingdon, by beating her. He must complete 100 hours of unpaid work, the Building Better Relationships domestic violence course and up to 20 additional probation sessions. He was ordered to pay £180 in costs and surcharge.
SHANE GUNN, 29, of Maltfield Road, Headington, pleaded guilty to driving a VW Golf in Yarmouth, the Isle of Wight, last December while disqualified from driving and uninsured. He received 100 hours of unpaid work, a six month driving ban and must pay £180 in costs and surcharge.
LAURA FRANCIS, 44, of Markham Road, Bournemouth, received a three month conditional discharge for stealing gin and tin foil from a Sainsbury’s in Oxford and possession of cannabis.
KAREN WANDLESS, 52, of The Avenue, Kennington, admitted drink driving a Mini Countryman on Donnington Bridge Road, Oxford, in March. She had 124mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath, more than three times the legal limit. She was banned from driving for three years, must complete up to 15 probation sessions and pay £180 in costs and surcharge.
ABIGAIL BEDNARCZYK, 31, of Beech Lane, Didcot, admitted beating two police constables in Didcot in May and using threatening words or behaviour on the same date. She was said to have spat and used a homophobic slur. She was given four months’ imprisonment suspended for 18 months, with a 12 month alcohol treatment requirement and up to eight additional probation sessions. She was ordered to pay £500 in compensation.
JAMES ANCELL, 27, of Berryfield Way, Carterton, admitted using threatening behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence in Witney on March 9 last year. He received a 12 month conditional discharge, was ordered to pay £75 in compensation and must pay the costs and surcharge of £572.
NARENDRA LIMBU, 54, of Lidell Road, Oxford, pleaded guilty to drink driving a Peugeot 308 on the Green Road roundabout. Tests showed the driver had 89mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath, when the limit is 35mcgs. The magistrates imposed a £500 fine, 22 month ban and £135 in costs and surcharge.
WAGNER OTTOMAYER, 39, of Woodley Green, Witney, admitted drink driving a red Mini in The Leys, Witney. He was slightly over the limit, blowing 41mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath. He was fined £400, banned from the roads for a year and must pay £125 in costs and surcharge.
PHOEBE HALE, 32, of Rymers Lane, Oxford, received a three months conditional discharge for stealing a £21 bottle of vodka from Tesco. She must pay the full amount in compensation as well as £20 in costs to the CPS.
OKEENO WILKIE, 24, of HMP Huntercombe, was found guilty of causing the prison governor actual bodily harm on April 12 last year. He received an additional three month sentence and will pay the £128 victim surcharge upon his release from custody.
HOLLY PENNINGTON, 35, of Luther Street, Oxford, pleaded guilty to assaulting a female police officer in Oxford by spitting at her last April. She received 80 hours of unpaid work, must pay £100 in compensation and pay £350 in costs.
KHALID KHAN, 21, of Lenthall Road, Oxford, admitted driving a VW Golf in London Road, Headington, without valid insurance on January 21 this year and obstructing a police officer. He was fined £280, given six penalty points and must pay £119 in costs and surcharge.
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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.
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