• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Banbury drug dealer jailed after breaching suspended sentence and having crack cocaine


Sep 17, 2022

A drug dealer who failed to comply with probation and was then caught with a wrap of crack has been jailed for two years.

Jordanna Brock, 43, was given a chance to keep herself out of prison last year. Exceptionally, a judge at Oxford Crown Court had imposed a two-year suspended prison sentence after she admitted being concerned in the supply of heroin and crack cocaine.

But she breached the order by failing to attend probation appointments then, on July 8, was caught in a Banbury graveyard with a £10 wrap of crack. She admitted the offence at the magistrates’ court in August.

‘Activating’ the two-year suspended sentence in full, Judge Michael Gledhill KC said: “You brought it all on herself.”

He added: “I am very well aware of the difficulties that you’ve had from your teenage years and throughout your adult life and the pressures that led you to take and become addicted to class A controlled drugs. So I’m not unsympathetic to what you have been through.

“But the courts have bent over backwards to help you, as have the probation service, as has Turning Point, as have your social workers.

"And every time they’ve tried to help you, you threw their help straight back in their faces by continuing to take class A controlled drugs.”

Last year, the crown court was told Brock left a trail of text messages detailing her drug dealing.

In one, she wrote: “To be honest, babe, I run my own shop [drug line] to make as much P [money].” She added: “Just doing my ting. My line is popping again.”

The texts came to light after her phone was seized during a police raid on her home in Banbury in September 2020.

In her bedroom, the officers found a small amount of MDMA and cocaine. Inside a make-up bag was stashed two sets of scales, cling film and a mobile phone.

Mitigating on Thursday afternoon, Nawaz Khan told Judge Gledhill that at the time of the original offences Brock had found herself in a ‘very difficult’ personal situation.

“Her long term relationship had ended, she was suffering from mental health issues, she was vulnerable and she got herself mixed up in the use of cocaine,” he said. She had been dealing to fund her own habit.

There were concerns for her mental health if she were to be sent to prison.

Brock, of Windrush, Banbury, was told she would serve half her two year sentence inside before being eligible to be released to serve the remainder on licence.

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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.

To get in touch with him email: Tom.Seaward@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @t_seaward