• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Citizens’ jury weighs evidence and backs bus gates and traffic filters


Sep 30, 2022

A Citizen’s Jury organised by researchers at Oxford University shows clear support for measures to cut traffic in Oxford.

The jury, 16 people broadly representative of the population of Oxford, gave their backing for proposed bus gates and traffic filters in the city.

Citizens’ juries are a method of helping communities solve local problems.

Their report, which will be presented to Oxfordshire County Council, states the first priority should be to “improve the reliability of bus services, which may include installing more bus priority features, bus lanes or bus gates where appropriate.”

The jury also called for more free or low-cost travel on buses for groups including young people, disabled residents, older people aged 55 and above, as well as key workers such as nurses and carers.

READ ALSO: Community group mounting legal challenge to LTNs raise £10,000 in three weeks

In order to reduce traffic around the school run, the jury also called for a new school bus system to be set up alongside cycle training at school and free bikes to be provided to lower-income students – such as those eligible for the Pupil Premium.

A small team at the University of Oxford organised the jury to help answer important questions about how people can travel where they need to in Oxford in a climate-friendly way that promotes health.

During the process, the jurors were provided with evidence from groups both in favour of the measures as well as those who were more critical (such as the RAC, Reconnecting Oxford and the City of Oxford Licensed Taxicab Association) as well as residents on both sides of the LTN debate.

Oxfordshire County Council endorsed the process and will consider their report at a meeting today.

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