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Couple to run the Oxford Half Marathon for Helen & Douglas House


Sep 24, 2022

A COUPLE are running the Oxford Half Marathon to raise money for a hospice caring for their child.

David and Lauren Pomeroy will be running to raise funds for Helen & Douglas House, off Cowley Road, who care for their son Finley, three.

He was diagnosed with Schinzel-Giedeon Syndrome, a very rare genetic disorder characterised by skeletal abnormalities and the obstruction of the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.

His parents are aiming to raise at least £1,000 for the hospice, which cares for terminally ill children and their families.

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Oxford Mail:

Mr Pomeroy said: “To our complete shock we were told that Finley had been born with a genetic disorder but no one quite knew what.

“He spent the first three weeks of his life in Neonatal before coming home just in time for Christmas. The next few months of Finley’s life were full of endless appointments and constant fear and worry.

“In March 2019 we received a diagnosis. Our beautiful boy had been born with a rare, life limiting condition known as Schinzel-Giedeon Syndrome.

“As a result of the condition Finley has a number of medical issues including sight and hearing impairments, seizures, skull and body deformities and is fed through a gastrostomy.

“We have been caring for Finley since birth and are still getting used to a very different way of life. Fortunately for us we are able to spend time at Helen & Douglas House in Oxford.

“The children’s hospice provides us with much needed family respite several times a year. When there Finley is cared for by a team of amazing nurses and doctors in the most peaceful and caring environment.

“As a charity Helen & Douglas House rely heavily on donations and public support. This is why we are taking part in the Oxford Half Marathon and encouraging others to do so for this amazing charity.”

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The half marathon, taking place on October 16, is a celebration of running, movement and the Oxford community, with different activities and entertainment taking place alongside the main event.

Founded in 2010, it sees runners take on a flat 13.1 mile route that begins in the city centre and passes through Old Marston, down the River Cherwell, through the University of Oxford’s Lady Margaret Hall, before finishing in Parks Road.

During the race, spectators can take a fans’ walking route and stop off at the two designated “fan hubs” located on Park Road and the north east corner of Oxford University Parks.

Registration is closed but people can still join the race by either running for charity or becoming a LimeLight Sports Club member.

To take part in the half marathon for the hospice, visit https://www.helenanddouglas.org.uk/event/oxford-half-marathon/

To donate, visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lauren-pomeroy

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This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers.

Get in touch with her by emailing: Anna.colivicchi@newsquest.co.uk

Follow her on Twitter @AnnaColivicchi