A CARE service supporting people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire has been praised for its “caring and kind” staff in a report from a watchdog.
Brandon Trust, a supported living service providing personal and nursing care to people with a learning disability in their own homes across the county, was rated as ‘good’ by the Care Quality Commission, the independent regulator of health and social care in England, following an inspection.
The inspectors visited 40 people in 15 supported living settings over four separate days and spoke with 21 members of staff and with 25 relatives about their family members’ care.
At the time of inspection there were 134 people using the service in 47 separate supported living settings.
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The report said: “People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.
“Staff were caring and kind. People and relatives told us that staff were patient and understanding. Staff were motivated in their role and understood the principles of promoting people's privacy, dignity by treating them with respect.
“Staff supported people to ensure they had the right equipment in place to live safely in their own homes. This included wheelchairs, hoists, hospital beds and mobility aids. Staff were pro-active to ensure equipment was suitable and safe for people's use.”
People told the inspectors that they were “happy” with the care and support they received and were “comfortable” raising issues with staff if they had concerns.
Relatives of the people using the service also told the inspectors their family members received "safe care."
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Comments included: "He is well looked after and in a safe environment" and "He is safe. The difference is amazing to where he was before. It is the best place possible."
Another relative said: "She suffers from anxiety and can be quite demanding and obsessive, I think they know how to calm her down, she has been a lot better."
Overall, the report found relatives were happy with staffing levels but five felt the use of high levels of agency staff was an issue.
One person told the inspectors: "They use a lot of agency staff. Recruitment [of permanent staff] is now a really big problem."
Inspectors were also told that the staff had a good understanding of picking up non- verbal cues where people were unable to vocally express they were in pain or anxious and required medicines.
One relative said: "Staff are reliable and careful [around medicines management]. He will not voluntarily say he is in pain; staff pick up cues and ask him."
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This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers.
Get in touch with her by emailing: Anna.colivicchi@newsquest.co.uk
Follow her on Twitter @AnnaColivicchi