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‘This is our way to say thanks’: How two Oxfordshire sisters are running the Oxford Half Marathon for charity


Sep 13, 2022

TWO sisters are running a half marathon in Oxford to raise money for a hospice that took care of their mother.

Rebecca Palmer and her sister Heather, who grew up in Wallingford, are two of more than 100 runners taking part in the Oxford Half Marathon on October 16 to raise funds for Sobell House, in Headington.

The sisters decided to take part in the event after their mother Jill Gash was treated at the hospice, which offers specialist palliative care to people facing life threatening illness, death and bereavement in Oxfordshire.

READ MORE: Oxford Half Marathon 2022: Meet one of the runners raising money for Mind

Founded in 2010, the Oxford Half sees thousands of runners take on a flat 13.1 mile route that begins in the city centre and passes through Old Marston, down the River Cherwell, through the University of Oxford’s Lady Margaret Hall, before finishing in Parks Road.

Ms Palmer, 44, said: “My mum was in the hospice earlier this year, she sadly passed away at the end of June – she had cancer, and her wish was to die there and thankfully that is what happened.

“This is my way to say thank you for the amazing care we received from the staff there and for the way they looked after us.

Oxford Mail:

“I’m running the Oxford Half with my sister trying to raise as much as possible so the team can help other people the way they helped us.

“They looked after my mum so well and I remember them making her tea and toast in the early hours of the morning, they couldn’t have done anything better.

“I’ve done a bit of running but I’ve never run a half marathon before so it’s going to be a big challenge – I’m not hoping for a good time, we are doing it to remember our mum and to raise money for the hospice so that’s the most important thing.”

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Niki Wardell-Yerburgh, community fundraiser for the charity, said: “We are delighted to have over 100 people running the half marathon in aid of the hospice.

“The money raised by these amazing supporters will help to support some of the wonderful work we do at the hospice to support adults with life limiting and life threatening illnesses, from our art and music therapy to our community nurses looking after people in their homes. It will truly make a difference to the work we do.

“We would like to wish all our runners a great day, we couldn’t do what we do without our amazing supporters. We will be there on the day cheering Team Sobell on.”

To donate to Ms Palmer’s fundraiser, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/heather-rebecca

If you’d like to join Team Sobell at the Oxford Half, contact mail@sobellhospice.org or call 01865 857007.

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This story was written by Anna Colivicchi, she joined the team this year and covers health stories for the Oxfordshire papers.

Get in touch with her by emailing: Anna.colivicchi@newsquest.co.uk

Follow her on Twitter @AnnaColivicchi