• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Scales of Justice: Latest cases from Oxford Magistrates’ Court


Sep 5, 2022

LUIS RODRIGUES, 25, of Stanhope Road, South Shields, admitted possession of cocaine in Wantage on Christmas Day last year. He was given a six month conditional discharge and the drugs were forfeit.

IAN GREENWOOD, 34, of Court Farm Road, Oxford, was found guilty in his absence of breaching a closure order by going to a house in Dodgson Road in March. He was fined £60 and ordered to pay £85 in costs.

STEVEN TOMKINSON, 42, and Kevin Hennessy, 43, both of Sherwood Place, Oxford, pleaded guilty to the attempted theft of £3,800-worth of ‘construction metal’ belonging to Kynaston in Oxford on April 25 this year. They also admitted damaging metal worth £1,900. Tomkinson received 16 weeks’ imprisonment suspended for a year and a half with 80 hours of unpaid work and a requirement to do the Thinking Skills programme with the probation service. Co-defendant Hennessy was jailed for 16 weeks, with the court record noting he had a ‘flagrant disregard for people and their property, while the number of previous convictions on his list showed he was ‘operating as a professional criminal’.

EMILY PALESCHI-BOYD, 31, of Tamina Close, Carterton, admitted drink driving on Marcham Road in June. A breathalyser test showed she had 52mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35. She was fined £80, banned from driving for 15 months and was ordered to pay £119 in costs and surcharge.

SHAUN LEA, 51, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to stealing a coffee and chocolate bars from the Welcome Break services at Peartree roundabout in June. He was told to pay £10 in compensation.

LUBNA NUHEILI, 34, of Priory Road, Oxford, was found guilty of failing to identify to Thames Valley Police the driver of a BMW suspected of having committed a road traffic offence. She was fined £500, given six points and must pay £360 in costs and surcharge.

THAMES VALLEY POLICE was allowed to keep £5,660 in cash seized from Joshua Jamieson, of Parsons Piece, Banbury. The police applied to the magistrates’ court for the forfeiture of the cash under Proceeds of Crime Act Rules.

OCTAVIAN RADU, 28, of Banbury Avenue, Southampton, was found guilty of driving an Audi A4 on The Green, Drayton, on August 23 last year without due care and attention. He was acquitted of driving it while unfit through drink, but had admitted using the car without valid insurance. He was fined a total of £400, must pay £1,400 in compensation and £340 in costs and surcharge. Eight penalty points were imposed on his licence.

LEWIS DRURY, 21, of Oxford Street, Hungerford, admitted driving a Ford Fiesta on the A34 near Abingdon while over the limit for cannabis. He was fined £450, banned from driving for a year and must pay £130 in costs and surcharge.

MACIEJ DUDZINSKI, 37, of Queens Road, Carterton, pleaded guilty to drink driving an Audi A3 in Carterton. He was found to be almost four times the limit, blowing 131mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcgs. He was sentenced to 16 weeks’ imprisonment suspended for 18 months with 35 rehabilitation activity requirement days. He was banned from driving for 32 months. The magistrates imposed £213 in costs and surcharge.

HARRY BAILEY, 32, of Beech Road, Chinnor, admitted drink driving a Ford Fiesta on Chinnor Road, Thame. He blew 143mcgs of alcohol in 100ml of breath – four times the limit of 35mcgs. He was given a community order with 250 hours of unpaid work. The magistrates banned him from driving for 30 months and ordered he pay £170 in costs and surcharge.

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This story was written by Tom Seaward. He joined the team in 2021 as Oxfordshire's court and crime reporter.

To get in touch with him email: Tom.Seaward@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @t_seaward